
Placement Details of UCH
Sl No. Program Name Date No. of Students Attended No. of Students placed Name of the Student Name of the Company
1 Personality Development Program 21-01-2022 14 5 Sukhith S [Statistics Dept]
Ranjitha Y K
PavanKalyan Reddy
B Pallavi Patil
Nayana N N
Isocrates, Bengaluru
2 Aptitude Training
3 Pre - Placement Training Computer Science 11-04-2022 36 2 Neelambika M [MGM]
Kalavati [MGM]
Sasken Technologies Bengaluru
4 Interview Preparation ( Group discussion ) 12-3-2022 & 14-3-2022 17 6 Meghana H R
Chandan V Hiremath
Chandana K M
SathishAshrifa M S
Hitha T S
Genesis, Bangaluru